
  • 2022 Reach Out Award, Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship Fund (10,000 HKD)
  • 2022 Best Graduate Student Paper, AAG Asian Geography Specialty Group (250 USD)
  • 2022 Alexander B. Murphy Dissertation Enhancement Award, AAG Political Geography Specialty Group (1,000 USD)
  • 2022 Travel Award, AAG Political Geography Specialty Group

  • 2020 Hong Kong-Tsingtao Association scholarship (10,000 HKD)
  • 2019 Best Paper Award, Geographical Society of China Political Geography and Geo-relations Committee
  • 2019 Hong Kong University Postgraduate Scholarship (18,300 HKD/month)
  • 2019 Graduation with honors (Excellent Graduate in Beijing)

  • 2017 Excellent Student Leaders Award, Excellent Teaching Assistant
  • 2016-2018 First-class Academic Scholarship (12,000 RMB/year)

  • 2016 Graduation with honors (Excellent Graduate in Beijing), Zhou Tingru Geography Graduate Prize (10,000 RMB)
  • 2015 Excellent Volunteer Award, First-class Contest Award, Self-perfection Star Award (10,000 RMB)
  • 2015 Honorable Mention of American Mathematical Contest in Modeling

  • 2014 Jingwei Geography Alumni Scholarship (10,000 RMB)
  • 2013 Tangren Geography Scholarship (10,000 RMB)
  • 2014-2016 Tang Zhongying (Cyrus) Scholarship (4,000 RMB/year), Merit Student Award (1,000 RMB/year)
  • 2013-2015 National Endeavor Fellowship (8,000 RMB/year), First-class Academic Scholarship (6,000 RMB/year)